Title: I Know A Guy Who's Tough but Sweet. Author: Evergrnterrace Characters/Pairing: Implied Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya, Renji, Yachiru Rating/Warnings: G? VERY A/U bordering on delusional... Theme: 9~candy for bleach_15 Word Count: 178?
Title: Contrast. Author: Evergrnterrace Characters/Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya Rating/Warnings: G~ A/U, drabble. Spoiler for Rukia's zanpakuto. Theme: 2~Black and White for bleach_15 Word Count:285
Title: Dance of the Zampakuto Author: Evergrnterrace Characters/Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya Rating/Warnings: Ummm... MAJOR a/u... OOC-ness. Fluff and WAFF? Theme: 8~Butterflies for bleach_15 Word Count: 942
Title: Knowledge of a Lifetime Author: Evergrnterrace Characters/Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia and Kuchiki Byakuya Rating/Warnings: G? A different take on Byakuya? One without Hisana. Theme: 6~To Protect for bleach_15 Word Count: 602
Title: Follow your Nose Author: Evergrnterrace Characters/Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia and Kuchiki Byakuya Rating/Warnings: G? Theme: 4~Masks for bleach_15 Word Count: 867